Supported by Organization for Socio-Economic Stability – OSSE and implemented by Bonevet Gjakova, the CNC Mechanics and 3D Design training programs were designed to serve a diverse group of participants,…
What’s New

PowerUp: Digital Career Implemented by Makerspace Innovation Center Prizren, Supported by OSSE
By OSSE KosovaWe are pleased to continue our support for the Makerspace Innovation Center in Prizren. In May of this year, training sessions for the PowerUp: Digital Career program in Programming and…

Supporting marginalized categories in Kosovo
By Gent SaraciOrganization for Socio-Economic Stability – OSSE has started the implementation of information sessions within the implementation of the CIRCLE project.Over 20 candidates aged 18-35 will be trained to do business…

Provision of vocational training for WEE Simple
By Gent SaraciIn vocational training” Fashion Design-Sewing” started on 10 January 2021. The training will last for three months, where 33 beneficiaries are attending the training. Company who is delivering the training…

Organization of business training for WEE Simple
By Gent SaraciWEE SIMPLE is the third and final component of the Women Energy Entrepreneurs-WEE, designed to support and encourage women entrepreneurs to grow their businesses through a more efficient use of…

More about OSSE/OSES
By Gent SaraciOrganizata është themeluar me qëllim të: mbështesë stabilitetin socio-ekonomik nëpërmjet fuqizimit të mikro-biznesit në Kosovë. OSSE synon të kontribuojë në zhvillimin e qëndrueshëm dhe stabilitetin socio ekonomik në fushat e…